Strategic Plan

A photo of LCAD's main campus building, with a blue banner that says "Laguna College of Art + Design"

Mission Statement

Laguna College of Art & Design prepares women and men for careers as creative artists and designers in a culturally and ethnically diverse world through a curriculum that emphasizes acquiring skills based on observation, representation, and concept development, while embracing challenges of new, innovative technologies. The college is committed to offering its curriculum through accredited degree programs that imaginatively combine studio work with academic studies, and to sharing its resources with the broader community through continuing education and exhibition programs.

Vision Statement

Laguna College of Art & Design strives to produce great artists, designers, thinkers, and leaders. It seeks to be a world class college in a world-class town. It is committed to provide state-of-the-art facilities and rigorous academic programs. Toward these ends trustees, staff, and faculty have as their vision working cooperatively to ensure the college attracts the most talented, dedicated, and deserving students, and that our faculty has the skills and resources to teach traditional art and design and the highest level of modern technological proficiency. Upon graduation students are career-ready and have employment opportunities made available to them. And overarching all is the promulgation of humanistic values and social awareness leading to citizens who are creative, thinking leaders, ready and motivated to make contributions to society.

Plan Overview

Developing a five-year rolling strategic plan has become a significant tactic for the college. The dedication of staff time has given priority to the discussion and formulation of this strategy to increase and develop organizational sustainability. This strategic plan looks out five years from academic year 2013/14 through 2018/19 and guides the annual plans for trustees, staff and faculty. There are strategic goals that address growth, academic excellence and distinction, student experience and financial strength. Each goal has objectives that are measurable, but somewhat flexible as conditions and opportunities change. At the end of each academic year the plan is evaluated and augmented to reflect needs and progress in all areas. The process of ongoing planning and implementation builds ownership and fosters communication. For the plan to be effective it must be inclusive, supported by all and used to measure progress and direction. The college is confident our community will embrace this living document to channel the enormous potential that is LCAD. This plan will benefit students and further our mission of preparing men and women for creative careers in art and design.