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Professional Mentoring Program

LCAD’s Professional Mentoring Program pairs all fine arts majors taking Professional Practices in their junior year with member galleries of First Thursdays Art Walk, galleries in neighboring cities, local museums, art conservationists, or with private studio artists.


Professional Mentors guide students through the fundamentals of exhibiting their work, educate them about the business of operating a gallery, museum curation, museum administration, art conservation, and private studio practice. This unique program allows students to put the skills learned in the course into action, giving them a competitive edge before entering the professional art world.

Many LCAD fine arts alumni have continued their careers with the mentoring galleries, museums, and private professionals as exhibitors, assistants, installers, consultants and managers.

The LCAD Professional Mentoring Program takes place every spring semester and during First Thursdays Art Walk in April.

Student Learning Objectives

  • Increase exhibition experience
  • Gain increased exposure and professional experience
  • Develop your own client list
  • Network with professionals