Portfolio Guidelines
Please download and review the appropriate portfolio guidelines. Please contact your Admissions Counselor with any/all questions.
Formatting Your Portfolio
Digital portfolio images are preferred and should be saved as JPG files that are no larger than 1MB each. Videos are exempt from size limits. Your portfolio should include an inventory list that identifies each work by number, title, media, dimensions (if applicable), and completion date.
Portfolio Development
Do you need assistance developing your portfolio? Check out LCAD’s Portfolio Development Program.
Submitting Your Portfolio
Both your essay and portfolio will be submitted online using our online application
Transferable Credits
After you’ve been accepted to the college, you may request to have your general education transfer credits evaluated. Submit your Transfer Portfolio to our Transfer Specialist at transfer@lcad.edu to petition for the transfer of studio art classes. This portfolio is different from the Admissions Portfolio but should include 6-10 examples from each studio class you wish to be considered. Please see the Studio Transfer Credit Guidelines below.
Special Notes
- Please include images from coursework—such as 2D and 3D design classes—that demonstrate your organizational skills.
- Please include images that are related to your major/area of concentration for advanced studies.
- Please include the title(s) and description(s) of all course(s), as well as any additional information you feel pertinent for the reviewer to know.
We will not consider for transfer any studio courses that you exclude in you Portfolio.
Your Portfolio cannot be evaluated until the Registrar has reviewed your final transcripts.
Your Portfolio will be evaluated by either your program chair or by a designated department faculty member who will give the results to LCAD’s Registrar.
When you register for classes, the results of your evaluation will be in your advising folder so that your academic advisor can register you for the appropriate courses. All course transfer eligibility is dependent upon a minimum final grade of a “C” or better in a course from an accredited, American, post-secondary institution.
International transfers are considered on a case-by-case basis. International students must provide an English translation of their foreign transcripts and evaluations of the transcripts into the American semester unit system.
Formatting Your Transfer Portfolio
Portfolio images should be saved as .jpg files that are no larger than 1MB each (videos are exempt from size limit).
Each image should be labeled as follows:
01_ (Applicant’s last name), 02_ (Applicant’s last name), etc.
All of these folders should be included in a master file folder titled:
(Applicant’s last name)_(Applicant’s first name) Transfer Portfolio.
Submitting Your Transfer Portfolio
Your Transfer Portfolio must be submitted directly to your Admissions Counselor. If you have any questions, please feel free to our transfer specialist at transfer@lcad.edu or contact at (949) 376-6000 ext. 298