
An illustration of the cards in Alice and Wonderland painting the roses red
A graphic with sketches
An illustration with the words “Spring Open House.”
A photo of students sketching at light tables.
A collage of three paintings by the three featured artists.
A cream colored square with the words “Art Market” and an image of a student and table with art on it.
A photograph of blue sea kelp.
An illustration of black, white, and orange flowers and the words “Fall Open House”.
A painting of a girl with her hair up in a red dress.
A watercolor painting of a woman.
NPD Thumbnail 2024
A black and yellow graphic with the words "Season 2: CreativityFlow."
A painting of a blue bear and a person with pink flames on their head floating in a boat on blue water full of lilly pads.
: A painting of a foot with a ballerina slipper falling off of it.
A painting of a man in a bathing suit looking out over an ocean, where two other people in bathing suits are diving in the distance.
A cream colored square with the words “Art Market” and an image of a table with art on it.
An orange square graphic with the words “Color It Orange.”
An illustration of black, white, and blue flowers and the words “Spring Open House” in yellow.
A painting of a female tangled in monster tentacles.
Two students climb the side of a stone cathedral. They are carrying art supplies while paper falls around them.
A picture of Kazu Hiro working on a giant sculpture of a man’s head.
A graphic with a dark green/blue background with cloud-like swirls, the text is "Open House" in white block letters, and "Fall" in yellow cursive.
A photograph of rocks and a light blue river in the middle.
A sketch of a nude made sitting and facing right.
A painting of people painting.
Event National Portfolio Day 2023
A square painting witha. blue sky, sand, and a boy running with a triangle rainbow kite.
A black textured background with National Portfolio Day in light blue baloon font.
LCAD 2023 Graduates Logo, blue words on a white background.
LCAD Default Image
Photograph of a red and yellow fish in dark water.
students working at desks in a classroom, drawing animation characters
Painting of two small children in yellow and red dresses, sitting in grass, in front of a pond with three blue footed booby birds in it.
Painting of a man kneeling in front of a house, while a woman stands in front of him looking down at him.
Two girls in white bathing suits crouch down around tidepools at the beach.
Photo of a student walking across the stage at graduation, holding up their diploma.
A painting of a girl with long dark hair sitting with small deer. There is a pink glow around them.
A collage of student work with an orange "Color It Orange" square in the center.
A blue, gray, and white graphic with headshots of the two speakers, Ryan Hitzel and Jess White.
A photo of a hand holding up a leaf to the blue sky. The leaf has the LCAD logo laser cut into it.
A collage-style photo of black binoculars with a womans face on them.
A painting of a man sitting on a bench at the beach in swim trunks while eating an ice cream cone. A woman in a blue dress and a straw hat stands next to him.
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