An illustration of a person in an underground subway.

Entertainment Design Minor

Where Storytelling + Design Meet


Earning a minor in Entertainment Design furthers your ability to effectively create 2-D images while gaining an understanding of the concept illustrator’s studio processes, business practices, and history. It encourages the creation of a variety of imagery related to storytelling for Entertainment Design applications. Topics covered include environment, character, prop design, and storyboarding. A minor in Entertainment Design enables you to become a more well-rounded artist, and provides an opportunity to create quality, portfolio-worthy pieces relevant to a variety of career opportunities.

Course Listings

Admissions Information

Application Dates

  • LCAD has a rolling admissions policy and will accept applications until we’ve filled all spots for an incoming class. Applications will still be considered after the following priority dates:

    Fall: December 1st

    Spring: December 1st

  • How to Apply