About the Dennis + Leslie Power Library

The library supports the research and curricular needs of the LCAD community.

Library Mission Statement

The library supports the research and curricular needs of the LCAD community by providing access to material and services that support the curricular goals of the college, information literacy skills instruction, a safe and comfortable space for study, and provides a high level of equitable professional service.

Library Instruction Mission Statement

The Dennis and Leslie Power Library supports the educational mission of the Laguna College of Art + Design for discovery and learning through instructional initiatives that develop skills for information discovery, scholarship, and academic excellence. Working collaboratively with faculty, library instruction sessions promote critical thinking and challenges learners to consider their role as information consumers and creators of information. Students will be empowered to eGectively identify, find, evaluate, create and ethically use information in their academic pursuits and as life-long learners in an
information-rich society.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

Students will identify markers of authority corresponding with the type of information needed in order to choose trustworthy sources.
(e.g., a student working on an art history paper will weigh the authority of popular versus peer-reviewed literature on a subject)

Library Annual Report 23-24